The final countdown.
*cue 80's rock music*
Just wanted to pass along this bit of optimism that we're nearing the end of a historic race for the Democratic presidential nomination. From The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder:
This might have something to do with the widely-reported story of "The Cardoza 40" that The Field broke a week earlier. That aside, Pelosi and Reid should be happy to hear the news since they reportedly wish that the race would end soon:
The Clinton campaign begs to differ, but they may have no choice but to drop out sooner rather than later.
Me? I'd prefer next week. An Obama nomination would be an awesome birthday gift.
Just wanted to pass along this bit of optimism that we're nearing the end of a historic race for the Democratic presidential nomination. From The Atlantic's Marc Ambinder:
"To prepare for that eventuality, the Obama campaign has, for the first time, really, begun to bank delegates. Sources close to the campaign estimate that as many as three dozen Democratic superdelegates have privately pledged to announce their support for Obama on June 4 or 5. The campaign is determined that Obama not end the first week in June without securing the support of delegates numbering 2026 -- or 2210, as the case may be."
This might have something to do with the widely-reported story of "The Cardoza 40" that The Field broke a week earlier. That aside, Pelosi and Reid should be happy to hear the news since they reportedly wish that the race would end soon:
"'I don't lament this campaign taking as long as it has, but it's time it ended,' Reid said, noting the enormous Democratic voter registration and participation gains that this heated contest has brought."
The Clinton campaign begs to differ, but they may have no choice but to drop out sooner rather than later.
Me? I'd prefer next week. An Obama nomination would be an awesome birthday gift.