Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What's at stake in 2006

Aside from a chance to undo 6 years of regression and prevent 2 years of further deterioration, IMPEACHMENT is a real possibility.


There ARE plenty of courageous members of Congress willing to question the executive branch, especially its top official- the President. Congressman John Conyers has probably landed himself on Karl Rove's Enemy List. If we had a majority in either house, we could legitimately consider impeachment, regardless of its plausibility. But with an actual chance, it would get more media coverage and national attention. All the key facts would be revealed to the public, which would FINALLY realize that theyir leaders LIED to them. Not just "I did not have sex with that woman" statements that have no real impact on national policy. Lies that killed THOUSANDS of American people, endangered all of us, and undermined justice and democracy.

So what IS at stake in 2006? Well, the House, the Senate... National security, domestic tranquility, equality and justice, individual and civil rights, the environment, global relations, and basic human dignity.

Oh boy, oh boy... I can't wait.

Guess where we're at?

Fifth period AP Gov/Pol. Andrew is acting extremely metro (re: gay) over friggin "guides" in Microsoft Powerpoint.