I'm going to faint
See previous post for background info on Valerie Plame.
David Corn, former editor of The Nation, writes in The Huffington Post:
Oh, please let it be Rove. Wouldn't that be sweet? The Bush White House leak happens to be Bush's brain.
The leftist blogosphere is buzzing.
Daily Kos has link and this analysis:
If this is true, this is biggest news yet in the Plame prosecution -- direct evidence that Rove leaked Plame's CIA connection from the very beginning -- before Novak's column even appeared.
Oh, that's terrifying.
If you're interested, an amazing but really too long coverage by TalkLeft.
David Corn, former editor of The Nation, writes in The Huffington Post:
It was only yesterday that I was bemoaning the probability that -- after a week of apparent Rove-related revelations--it might be a while before any more news emerged about the Plame/CIA leak. Yet tonight I received this as-solid-as-it-gets tip: on Sunday Newsweek is posting a story that nails Rove. The newsmagazine has obtained documentary evidence that Rove was indeed a key source for Time magazine's Matt Cooper and that Rove--prior to the publication of the Bob Novak column that first publicly disclosed Valerie Wilson/Plame as a CIA official -- told Cooper that former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's wife apparently worked at the CIA and was involved in Joseph Wilson's now-controversial trip to Niger.
Oh, please let it be Rove. Wouldn't that be sweet? The Bush White House leak happens to be Bush's brain.
The leftist blogosphere is buzzing.
Daily Kos has link and this analysis:
If this is true, this is biggest news yet in the Plame prosecution -- direct evidence that Rove leaked Plame's CIA connection from the very beginning -- before Novak's column even appeared.
The call for Rove's resignation needs to go out now. Rove must resign. We'll make this call, of course, and other Democrats too. But with this evidence, Leiberman, McCain and Hagel will join in, and the Sunday bobbleheads may have no choice but to take notice.
I'm sure I'm in the minority amongst TPMCafe readers, but when Rove's lawyer says he didn't knowingly do anything illegal, I believe him. Why? Because Rove isn't an idiot. He's the most cynically calculating brilliant bastard in American politics since Kissinger, yes. Vindictive, sure. But not an idiot - and he'd have to be a world-class idiot to knowingly and personally out an undercover agent working on WMD proliferation to a freakin' TIME reporter.
Oh, that's terrifying.
If you're interested, an amazing but really too long coverage by TalkLeft.