Cuz Big Brother wants to know...
... what you're reading.
According to the Patriot Act... some Government officials can access your library and bookstore records to see what you're reading. All in the name of national security.
Independent Representative Bernie Sanders (VT) had his amendment passed to exempt such a silly violation of individual rights. In short, it curbed the overwhelming power given to federal authorities. (AP wire via Yahoo!)
38 Republicans. At first. I thought that was just among the bill's sponsors. Surely, more Republicans had the political GUT to vote for this measure. Hah! I was wrong. 186 Republicans voted against Sen. Sanders' measure. 6 didn't vote. Of the Democrats... 199 voted for it, 2 didn't vote, and one- Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK)- voted "noe".
So what's the White HOuse response? The usual: *whiny voice* "If you don't do what WE want you to do... we're goign to kick and scream, and oh yeah... VETO"
Washington Post:
So if it's not a big deal, then WHY bother vetoing it in the first place?
Logic, gentlemen. Try it.
According to the Patriot Act... some Government officials can access your library and bookstore records to see what you're reading. All in the name of national security.
Independent Representative Bernie Sanders (VT) had his amendment passed to exempt such a silly violation of individual rights. In short, it curbed the overwhelming power given to federal authorities. (AP wire via Yahoo!)
The House voted 238-187 to scale back the government's powers to conduct secret investigations that were authorized by the Patriot Act, a post-Sept. 11 anti-terrorism law.
"We can fight terrorism without undermining basic constitutional rights. That's what the message of today is about," said Rep. Bernie Sanders, a Vermont independent who pushed the measure through the House with the support of 38 Republicans.
38 Republicans. At first. I thought that was just among the bill's sponsors. Surely, more Republicans had the political GUT to vote for this measure. Hah! I was wrong. 186 Republicans voted against Sen. Sanders' measure. 6 didn't vote. Of the Democrats... 199 voted for it, 2 didn't vote, and one- Rep. Dan Boren (D-OK)- voted "noe".
So what's the White HOuse response? The usual: *whiny voice* "If you don't do what WE want you to do... we're goign to kick and scream, and oh yeah... VETO"
Washington Post:
House Republican leadership aides said they plan to have the provision removed when a conference committee meets to work out differences between the House and Senate versions of the bill. "The administration has threatened to veto the bill over this extraneous rider, and there are too many important initiatives in the bill for that to happen," said Appropriations Committee spokesman John Scofield.
So if it's not a big deal, then WHY bother vetoing it in the first place?
Logic, gentlemen. Try it.