How about just a Judge?
I don't care if Harriet Miers is a liberal judge. I don't care if she's a conservative judge. I just want a good judge. I knew Roberts was strongly conservative. It didn't bother me too much because he would make a fine judge, one that is able to look past his personal beliefs and examine the law. I don't understand why Bush would have to go around defending Miers as a "conservative judge." Frankly, even if I were a conservative, that wouldn't settle any inhibitions I have about her. I am worried that she isn't experienced enough. All that blah about "new, fresh perspective"... It simply doesn't make sense. I don't want someone whose first experience as a judge will be writing opinions that influences the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution. Washington Post had an article on her "independent" status. That's nice... but being politically independent does not make one a good judge. Being a liberal does not make a good judge. Being a conservative does not make a good judge. And quite frankly, the President isn't doing himself much favors when he has to go pander right-wing groups who wanted somebody to take away Roe v. Wade and completely miss other criticisms and flaws on his nomination.