We will not be silent
A few days ago, at JFK airport, Raed Jerrar was stopped and forced to change shirts because his shirt was in arabic. He was told, "you can't wear a t-shirt with Arabic script and come to an airport. It is like wearing a t-shirt that reads 'I am a robber' and going to a bank."
This security alert thing has gone way way too far. Apparently, when my cousin was flying off to Penn for college, somebody on her flight was "suspicious" and the entire flight was searched in Salt Lake City. Judging from how I haven't found any information from the press on this yet, it was probably yet another overreaction.
Incidentally, you can get a shirt here. Be aware that wearing these shirts apparently brands you as a suspicious person and a hater of America.
This security alert thing has gone way way too far. Apparently, when my cousin was flying off to Penn for college, somebody on her flight was "suspicious" and the entire flight was searched in Salt Lake City. Judging from how I haven't found any information from the press on this yet, it was probably yet another overreaction.
Incidentally, you can get a shirt here. Be aware that wearing these shirts apparently brands you as a suspicious person and a hater of America.