Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Today's Update


The following comments were made available from these senators on their websites. Some senators HAVE made comments, but their websites have not been updated. I also compiled this last night, so there may have been a few late additions.


Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE): "Sending John Bolton to the U.N. behind the Senate's back is a mistake in every respect."

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA): "Can't this Administration ever admit that they made a mistake? To send such a controversial individual to be our representative to the world will only undermine our efforts to win friends and allies at this critical time."

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY): "It is troubling that the President has circumvented the process on a position so critical to our national security and international reputation."

Sen. Jon Corzine (D-NJ): "He was not confirmed by the Senate because he was not suitable for the job"

Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL): "Today’s recess appointment of John Bolton as United States Ambassador to the United Nations is a lost opportunity for this administration to regain American leadership at the U.N."

Sen. Russ Feingold (D-WI): "Mr. Bolton is fundamentally unsuited for the job, and his record reveals a truly disturbing intolerance of dissent."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA): "The recess appointment of John Bolton to be the next U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations demonstrates the undue stubbornness of an Administration that seems more concerned with getting its own way than in providing the nation with the best possible representation at the UN."

Sen. John Kerry (D-MA): "The president has the right to make this recess appointment, but it’s the wrong decision. It only diminishes John Bolton’s validity and leverage to secure America’s goals at the U.N."

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD): "Appointing John Bolton to the United Nations sends a terrible message to our intelligence professionals. It is the wrong signal for our intelligence reform efforts."

Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI): "I believe the United States Ambassador to the United Nations should be willing to work with other nations, and I think the evidence indicates that Mr. Bolton is not the best person for this job."

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR): "It is disappointing that the President would make this move in the face of strong bipartisan concern in the Senate about Mr. Bolton's long history of combative and un-diplomatic behavior."


Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN): "This nomination has been thoroughly vetted by the Senate, and a majority of U.S. Senators support him."

Sen. John Ensign (R-NV): "I am extremely pleased that President Bush is using his Constitutional right to make recess appointments to name John Bolton Ambassador to the United Nations."

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT): "The President’s decision today was necessary and well within his rights. John Bolton’s nomination was turned into a circus by a handful of Senators who— once again — abused the filibuster to prevent a qualified man to serve the President."

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ): "It would have been better if he had been formally confirmed, but there’s no question that, absent the Democrats’ filibuster, he would easily have received a solid majority"

Sen. Richard Lugar: "Although I would have preferred an up-or-down Senate confirmation vote on John Bolton to be the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, the President’s appointment of Secretary Bolton was necessary to ensure our representation at the United Nations and to provide momentum to the vital process of U.N. reform."

Anyway, Bolton has reported for duty at the UN. I can't help but feel bitter. And that was the FIRST TIME EVER that I have linked to Fox News. Just adds to the bitter irony (as bitter as my double-strain espresso macchiato, but not nearly as good)


I think Paul Hackett's campaign in the special election for Ohio's second Congressional district is so inspirational. How he comes back from serving in Iraq (like, IN the country) and decides to run in a hastily organized special election in a STRONGLY REPUBLICAN district from which no Democrat has been elected to the House in 40 years... But at the same time, it's so encouraging to see how he's rallied so much support from all sorts of people while not compromising his anti-war stance against George W. Bush. This guy is for real and I wish him the best on this election day. As some have already said- it'd be nice to have an upset over yet another corporate GOP politician, but Paul's already won just by offering such an attractive alternative to hypocrisy. And what a GREAT start for 2006, don't you think?

[[ update ]]

Hackett lost, but really, we won.


That's just me calling dibs on the Iranian nuclear power (or lack thereof) story. Oh yes... this will be an angry denunciation of that bullchip hypocrisy some people call "American foreign policy"... And, as usual with this subject, I'll probably be writing from the "outsider" point of view, without the fobby Korean English. Was that politically incorrect to say "fobby"? Anyhow, I'm not letting myself do this till I get some AP Gov done (since I was so sidetracked by Bolton yesterday) but it'll be what Teagle would call "red-hot Korean spicy stuff". And only the start of my crusade to become the liberal Ann Coulter... But with actual facts and better hair. Just kidding, guys... I like the policy and fact stuff too much to sucumb to her level of mindless spewing of political invective.