Thursday, January 05, 2006

When we should be doing homework...

[note: alternate code-names used instead of SNs and brackets used for editorial notes]

The Pale One (8:00:09 PM): ok seriously

Auto Response from The Tiny One (8:00:10 PM): poetry further obfuscates the complexity of human expression.. damn poets

The Pale One: someone needs to tie and gag pat robertson
: and throw him into a river somewhere
The Tiny One: oh not before having him sodomized
: by michael jackson
: just for the delicious irony of it all
Tiny: and then a gay guy
Pale: not just any gay guy
Tiny: oh wait, you alredy said michael jackson
Pale: yeah
: then he has to sodomize bill o'reilly
: and they can both go int he river
Tiny: with a loofah
Pale: lmao
: is it just me or does comedy central always post new daily show clips when i have hw to do -_-
Tiny: then robertson can go get struck by lightening
Pale: in dover
: hhhahahahhaa

Tiny (8:03:33 PM): go do hw
Pale: NO they removed the gay marriage/christmas episodes [from Comedy Central website]
: haha
Tiny: they did?
Pale: yea
:i love the 1984 reference [in the "This is Wiretap" clip]
Tiny: yep
: and the bunny
: or [c]at?
Pale: it was a kitty
Tiny: i think it's cat
: it was a furry little animal
Tiny: okay, fine. it's a cat
Pale: :P

Oh, and in completely unrelated news...

IBM freezes pensions

International Business Machines Corp. said yesterday that it will freeze the pension plans of some 120,000 employees in the United States, effective at the end of next year, and will offer instead a more generous 401(k) plan.

I had no idea that IBM stood for "International Business Machines." Now I'm really disappointed.

More on Jack Abramoff

President Bush and senior Republican lawmakers moved on Wednesday to dump thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Jack Abramoff, the former lobbyist, hastily distancing themselves as he pleaded guilty to two more criminal counts under his agreement with prosecutors.

Texas beats USC in Rose Bowl

Vince Young bounced on his toes, trying to buy himself some time and searching frantically for a way to win a championship.

And this year's game got the best ratings in a long time.

Bloody day in Iraq

The residents of Ramadi had had enough. As they frantically searched the city's hospital for relatives killed and wounded in bomb blasts at a police recruiting station Thursday, they did something they had never publicly done: They blamed al Qaeda in Iraq, the insurgent movement led by Abu Musab Zarqawi.

Currently playing: Run by Snow Patrol
Currently should be doing: homework

"This is WireTap"

And.... JON STEWART is BACK!!!

"When you're accused of multiple felony accounts, try not to go to court already looking like a criminal"

Something with real content coming up.... after I run a few errands, do some homework (I swear I'm not a workaholic), then run some more errands.

"As you move higher and higher in the administration, knowledge decreases until you get to the top..." - George Packer, interviewed by Jon Stewart