Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Insert decaf here

I'm so tired from work... or I should say, my unpaid internship...

Ellsberg says Iraq is like Vietnam (Associated Press via ABC News)

Deciding Mr. Bush's Denials (New York Times Editorial)
I LOVE how they keep calling him "Mr. Bush". Maybe they always have and I never noticed, but it's interesting. The editorial is basically asking, "so, who's actually rewriting history?" which answers THIS aggressive tactic used by Bushies.

Repealing the Tonkin Gulf Resolution: Senate Rebukes Bush on Iraq Policy (Washington Post)
Senate telling Dubya, "hey, you know how we gave you our constitutional power regarding Iraq? Well, you fucked up and we want our powers back"

Bush's poll numbers
(Boston Globe National Perspective)

I love Tom Toles