Friday, September 16, 2005


Um, wow. So instead of asking for international aide, we're going to cut spending on programs.
"You bet it's going to cost money. But I'm confident we can handle
it," Bush said. "It's going to mean that we're going to have to cut unnecessary

WTHELL does he mean by unnecessary spending? With such a deficit, why havent we been cutting unnecessary spending earlier? What is unnecessary spending? Social Security? Instead of cutting about NO TAX CUTS for the rich? Or swallowing pride and asking for help with Katrina? Why cut programs?
I dont understand...

Joke of the Day

Schwarzenegger to Seek Re-Election

SAN DIEGO -- Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will run for re-election next year, a top aide said Friday.

Schwarzenegger "felt it was very important to let the people of California know this governor plans to be around for the long haul," campaign spokesman Todd Harris said. "It's not a 24-month job, it's a five-year job and he intends to see it through to the end." [...]

Harris said Schwarzenegger would formally kick off his campaign after the Nov. 8 election.

Strategists had said the governor had to cement his November 2006 re-election plans now to improve his fundraising for the initiatives, which would establish a state spending cap, strip lawmakers of the power to draw political boundaries and make it harder for public school teachers to get tenure. Recent polls show none receiving majority support.

Schwarzenegger was immensely popular his first year, but his job approval ratings have dropped sharply in recent months. His decision to push the ballot measures generated a backlash from labor unions, which have spent millions on television ads since the spring to discredit him.

A nonpartisan Field Poll released last week found that just 36 percent of California voters are inclined to re-elect Schwarzenegger.

Good luck with this one, Governor... Let's see how much your voters appreciated your unnecessary use of state money to pay for a special election on good but non-urgent issues... The first special election was cool because he became the "people's governor" who really represented the people, not governed them. But now, it's getting old and Californians want someone who'll have the gut to lead, not simply hide behind political moves disguised as populist/democratic values.

[Edit by Montague] Something else you might find funny.