Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Nothing but Shameful

The Associated Press article, through Washington Post:

Calls for an early withdrawal from Iraq are a mistake that will only embolden terrorists, the House resolved Wednesday. The resolution drew opposition from Democrats, who said it implied that questioning President Bush's Iraq policies is unpatriotic.

The measure, approved 291-137, says the United States should leave Iraq only when national security and foreign policy goals related to a free and stable Iraq have been achieved.

You know what the most ludicrous thing about this issue is? No, NOT the fact that this administration has no clue what to do next in Iraq. It's that from all the major American newspapers, I only found this article from the AP Political Wire and after a google search (because I hate the way Yahoo formats the stories). Instead, the SAME biography/credentials of John G. Roberts, Jr. floats on the FRONT PAGE of the mainstream media. Or some rating/restriction on the Grand Theft Auto San Andreas or whatever(note my complete indifference on this subject).

It's so sad how nobody cares.

I don't mean through the display of "Support our troops!" bumper stickers... Throwing parties for leaving and returning soldiers...

I frankly don't understand why some of these men and women voluntarily went overseas to Iraq and surrounding regions. Was it the sense of honor and duty? It's so remarkable and noble... but have we (and by that, I'm also pointing at the government folks) kept up our side of this duty? Have we maintained the freedom and liberty AT HOME for which they're fighting ABROAD?

Apparently... not really.

The intelligence panel's version, sponsored by Chairman Pat Roberts (R-Kan.), would make the Patriot Act permanent and would also allow the FBI to issue administrative subpoenas and to more easily monitor mail as part of terrorism investigations, as advocated by the Bush administration.

Mark my words. ANY extension in ANY form of the Patriot Act is a bastardization of the fundamental principles for which our soldiers are DYING and is a perpetuation of the great hypocrisy that constitutes American foreign policy.

Momentarily Distracted

Some called it the best PR move EVER, but I'm not sure the White House euphoria over the complete distraction from the Karl Rove scandal (yes, I'm calling it that) would last much longer.

So, many of the bloggers and pundits have been saying that it's almost like George Bush, to solve one of his most difficult political situations in this term, asked Karl Rove, "What can I do about this press pandemonium over all the crap you did?" and Bush's Brain simply replied, "Announce your Supreme Court Justice." I think the choice for the Justice had already been made, and the massive Karl Rove scandal made the timing very VERY convenient... for now.

Washington Post got a head start on news-that-isn't-about-the-Supreme-Court with this front-page item:

Plame's Identity Marked As Secret

Memo Central to Probe Of Leak Was Written By State Dept. Analyst

Yeah, exactly. So much for the celebration in the White House...

For a political strategist, Rove surely is screwing up. If he just resigned, and Bush accepted the resignation, they'd be so much better off. In fact, their new justice was a very good pick for them (unless he turns out to be fairly liberal once in the court) and would score them some political points... But no, they have to go ruin it for themselves with Rove.

Not that I'm complaining about the Republicans screwing themselves over... Now I know how the GOP felt after the 2004 elections- watching their opponents stumble around without direction and a real solution. The tables are starting to turn...