Give 'em Hell, Harry
The RNC (Republican National Committee) tried to bring down Harry Reid the same way they did Dick Gephardt. But they're messing with the wrong guy. Reid knows what they're trying to do to him, and he won't tolerate their underhanded tactics.
From Senator Reid's prepared speech:
Unfortunately, it became crystal clear today that some in the President's Party are going to keep playing their petty, divisive game of politics as usual. And I call on the President today to put an end to it. The Republican National Committee said today they plan to launch a concerted and prolonged campaign against me. And in an even more disgusting step, they have announced their intention to unfairly attack my family as well.
Watch the actual speech (about four minutes long). He's not a great speaker... hell, not even a good one. But what he has to say is true. It's not like Reid is running for office (not now, anyways). He's the Senate Democratic Leader and a quite-spoken conservative senator from Nevada. The fact is, they shouldn't even be derailing Reid because he can easily win the sympathy of his consituents and other Americans. Focus on Howard Dean, or something. It doesn't make sense why they would ignore the radical, screaming, raging man to hit on the "little guy" (I'm speaking of his slighter build and the Mr. Roger-esque voice).
Transcribed (by me ^.-) from actual video clip:
If he's honest with the amiercan peoople, why doesn't he call it as it is? It' s going to be politics as usual- directed from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Honesty, integrity and truth. If that's the watchword of this president, he will repudiate what his republican national committee is doing.
The RNC was going to send out nasty "informational" packets to a MILLION people. According to CNN
The RNC briefing says Reid is the "chief Democrat obstructionist" and "out of touch with mainstream America," blocking judicial nominees, flip-flopping on Social Security reform and leading the fight to block the formation of the Department of Homeland Security.
The document is headlined "Reid all about it: Who is Harry Reid?" A secondary headline reads: "Sen. Minority Leader determined to obstruct President Bush's agenda."
Absolutely disgusting. Reid is the divider, eh? Reid has been anything but an obstructionist. He's been almost too friendly with Bush administration, in hopes of bipartisan cooperation. He's against some of the typically "Republican" policies... not the GOP itself. And the Senate has the consitutional power to block oppointments.
Gosh, the letter should be more like...
"Reid won't kiss Bush's ass like we do. He must be a flaming, irrational liberal! I mean, how DARE he act on his own conscience and disagree with King Bush II?"