Sunday, September 11, 2005


All who are reading this, take a moment out of your day and reflect upon the tragic event that occured 4 years ago.

Remember where you were, what you were doing, and what your reaction was when first hearing the news. Remember how fortunate you were to not have to be the one experiencing the tragedy.



Never Forget

More Boredom

"Man, you fink FEMA gonna hep me ged thome new teef? I thaw my dendures floading away in da thtawm. I thweah man, I can' harly ea' nuffin. Dey wath givin ou' ham thamicheth da ova day. Me an' dith ova guy wath ea-in' nem. Took him ten minute ea' hith thamich. Took me foday-fahv minute ea' mine! I thweah' man. You fink da federa' gubnent goin hep me git thome teef back? Man, I can' ea' no cawn, no threemp. Ith terribew man, terribew."

Taken from


So it's 6 AM and I haven't slept...gotta love jetlag, feels like it's still early in the evening.

Which brings me to the point, what the heck are those dudes in China thinking!? It's like this, the internet in China is severely sensored to the point where BBC, Geocities, and Blogspot are blocked. Now, I can see the reason behind Geocities being blocked (Taiwan, Democracy, yaddayaddayadda) but BBC?? Note that stuff like Washington Post (And Daily Kos) is unblocked? WTF!?

Here's what I don't get, don't they realize they're not blocking anybody worth blocking? Hell, any random idiot (like me) can figure out how to hop the firewall using the Google Translator. Who are they blocking? People who don't care enough about the issue to hop a firewall that's just filled with holes. Who aren't they blocking? Anybody radical enough to be dangerous is at least smart enough to hop that firewall. Hell, they could teach a chimp to do it. What's the point? I mean, they're practically inviting every other country in the world to yell at them for Human Rights Violations. What are they afraid of? Are they seriously concerned about a bunch of college students overthrowing a stable government? Yeah right. That's not even a remote possibility...If they want to firewall things off, do it right. Otherwise, there's no point at all.

I figure, they're just too damned stupid.