Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Hey, people, look over THERE!!!

[[ update 5:29 pm on Tuesday, July 19, 2005 ]]

It's John G. Roberts, Jr.

Says DailyKos, AP (via Yahoo!), New York Times, and various others.

He's supposedly against Roe v. Wade, but it's not very clear how he would go about doing it if he were to be confirmed by the Senate (which, after the Bolton Fiasco, is very likely to be a divisive debate). His biography is up on Wikipedia, and it even mentions his new nomination to the SCOTUS. FindLaw also has a biography.

LoL. I like how the announcement was supposed to be at 6 pm our time (9 pm EST) but the name got leaked. Bush has been having problems with that lately, hasn't he? The Washington Post:

Word of the nomination leaked out in advance of a nationally televised ceremony in the East Room of the White House in which Bush planned to introduce his choice to replace Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who has announced her intention to retire.

And the president a while back, about Karl Rove, said: "If there's a leak out of my administration, I want to know about it".

Poor guy... nobody in his White House will learn not to speak to reporters. You know what'd be hilarious? If it was Karl Rove that leaked the Supreme Court pick.


"and please, not at the president's political right-hand man also know as 'turd blossom' to the commander-in-chief"

President George Walker Bush to name his first Supreme Court nominee at 9 pm Eastern Time... Which makes that like 6 pm Cah-lee-fuh-nee-ah time?

Rumors that it will be Edith Brown Clement are being seriously scrutinized, as pundits/bloggers/journalists/everyone else on both sides of the political playground are puzzled by the choice... Or they're too busy thinking, "WHO THE HELL IS Edith Brown Clement?"

We shall see in... an hour and a half?