Bush at Stanford
The protest began at approximately 2 p.m. in White Plaza, where 200 students gathered to make signs and rally against the administration. As they began marching toward Hoover Tower, others joined their ranks and began to chant slogans. By the time the rally reached the Institution at 2:30 p.m., approximately 400 protesters lined the police barriers set around the building.
People continued to join the movement, and the slogans for reform grew louder as time passed. The magnitude of the protest ultimately forced Bush to conduct the meeting at Shultz’s house located on Delores Street.
Meanwhile, outside the Hoover Institution, the crowd chanted, “Hey-Hey-Ho-Ho-Bush is here, he’s got to go.” Another popular slogan targeted the conflict in Iraq, as students yelled, “1-2-3-4-We don’t want your fuckin’ war-5-6-7-8-Stop the killing, Stop the hate.”
As the protest grew louder, the Sheriff’s Department attempted to clear the street to provide the president’s motorcade a safe entrance into the complex. When the students refused to obey these verbal commands, more than 50 police officers in full riot gear were called to the scene. Dressed in protective helmets, the officers used their batons to push individuals back from the Tower.
In response to the use of physical force, students directed their chants at the perceived infringement of their rights.
“Whose campus—Our campus. Whose streets—our streets,” they yelled. “Tell me what democracy looks like—this is what democracy looks like.”
The struggle between the Sheriff’s Department and protesters reached its climax when a fire truck attempted to drive down the street and was blocked by the crowd. Security personnel were attempting to move those blocking the truck when three Stanford students sat down and refused to move.
Officers dragged them out of the road and bound their hands with plastic ties. Though others demanded that their peers be released, after 15 minutes, the three students were placed into a Sheriff’s Department vehicle and taken away. The fire truck then reversed and did not proceed down the street [...]
All that seems so reminiscent of the civil rights movement in the 60's, when people would refuse to move from whites-only areas [...]
A number of protesters cited specific complaints with the current administration, calling attention to these issues with colorful signs and popular slogans. Some wore stickers with the message “We all deserve the freedom to marry,” while others held signs stating “No one died when Clinton lied,” “Show me freedom! Protect my rights to my body” and “Save Darfur.”With hundreds of prospective freshmen and their families on campus for the weekend, the movement seemed to draw support from onlookers. Several of these prospective freshmen participated in the movement. Parents took photos and applauded the protestors as they proceeded down Lasuen Mall.
Some students, like incoming freshman Alejandra Aponte, said they were surprised by the protest’s high turnout.
“I thought Stanford was really a bubble, but seeing all the people that are out here has shown me that people really are concerned,” she said. “I’m Latina; I’m from Guatemala. Right now President Bush is doing some very interesting things in Latin America. We have a phrase ‘For every pig, there will be a Saturday.’ Basically, his game is over.”
Though the protest was not formally organized by any one group, residents of Columbae and members of Students Taking Action Now: Darfur (STAND), the Student Labor Action Coalition (SLAC) and Amnesty International were active in the demonstration. The Stanford Marching Band also performed in front of the Hoover Institution and entertained protestors with music and antics [...]
There is a "naked" guy (he wears a spandex speedo-like garment that has a fake penis attached to it) who plays the saxaphone in the marching band. I found that quite odd.
The article has some pictures. I have a few, but they're from the beginning of the march/protest when there was maybe several hundred, not thousands. Plus, the people were in three different areas because nobody was sure where the President was going to be entering from.The repercussions of the protest are already being felt statewide. A number of news organization were present to report on the issue, and State Controller Steve Westly, the front-running Democratic candidate in the 2006 California gubernatorial race, remarked on the controversial nature of issues involving immigration, energy and Iraq.
“I think there’s going to be a new wave of student activism around the country,” he said. “I’m glad to see some of that’s happening at Stanford. I found the protest peaceful and well-organized.”
It was really a blast marching down the street next to the main quad (where most of the ProFros and their parents were) and seeing parents (noticeable because of their Stanford pins) taking pictures and cheering us on.