Media roundup: "This race is over."

Rolling Stone endorses Obama.
Politico's Ben Smith reports on Obama's stash of superdelegates, citing his Missouri co-chairman's statement that "this race is over."
Meanwhile, Hotline has a statement from an Obama spokesperson that flatly denies the rumor.
Dallas Morning News ponders if Rush Limbaugh's listeners played a role in deciding the winner of the Texas primary.
TPM discusses the Canadian government's 180° on NAFTA, amidst revelations that it was actually the Clinton campaign -- not Obama -- that may have made empty promises.
Newsweek's Jonathan Alter revises his article on Clinton's delegate problem, noting that her big wins on Tuesday actually made her battle for the nomination more difficult.
US News & World Report lands an exclusive interview with Clinton and learns that she opposes a "do-over" in FL & MI.
CNN catches Obama going negative in a new Mississippi radio ad.
A friend digs up an unusual ABC News report from July 2007 that shows that Obama supports sex education for kindergartners, provided it is "age-appropriate."
Clinton's Wolfson compares Obama to Ken Starr, in what may be the worst example of a double-edged sword this political cycle.
And the Democrats keep on dreaming.
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