Friday, July 27, 2007

Okay, we GET IT.

Hillary Clinton is a woman. As in, female. As in double-X chromosomes. As in, no penis...

And women tend to have (not always) breasts. You know, mammary glands? Sexual objects that mirror the usually larger ass? And breasts = cleavage.

And so it shouldn't be that big of a deal that Hillary Clinton has boobs. Hell, most politicians - male or female - have boobs.

I read this article a while ago...

But as she has embarked on her campaign for president, she has given up the uniform. In its place has been a wide array of suits and jackets, in everything from dull khaki to canary yellow and sofa florals. Once again, she is playing the fashion field.

The cleavage, however, is an exceptional kind of flourish. After all, it's not a matter of what she's wearing but rather what's being revealed. It's tempting to say that the cleavage stirs the same kind of discomfort that might be churned up after spotting Rudy Giuliani with his shirt unbuttoned just a smidge too far. No one wants to see that. But really, it was more like catching a man with his fly unzipped. Just look away!

Granted, this is a fashion article. But for some reason, it feels like a reminder that the rest of the nation should just realize Hillary=Woman=(usually) boobs=cleavage. And then move on.

And for future reference, WaPost... please no more bad politics/boob puns ("Cleavage & the Clinton Campaign Chest")


Blogger FISHYBADGER said...

Hey now. If you like 50 year old woman boobies then more power to you. It's kinda nasty if you ask me though. There's absolutely nothing wrong with a pair of nice soft yet reasonably firm boobs to complement a tight ass.

In fact, I like that a lot. Christie? do a post about that, with pictures! :)

4:06 PM PDT  

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