Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen...

I introduce to you, truth and justice.


Criminal No.


Count 1: Obstruction of Justice (18 U.S.C. Section 1503)

Counts 2-3: False Statements (18 U.S.C. Section 1001(a)(2))

Counts 4-5: Perjury (18 U.S.C. Section 1623)


Oh that was too fun. Let's try that again...


Criminal No.


Count 1: Obstruction of Justice (18 U.S.C. Section 1503)

Counts 2-3: False Statements (18 U.S.C. Section 1001(a)(2))

Counts 4-5: Perjury (18 U.S.C. Section 1623)


This could go on forever.

But despite my giddiness at the fact that somebody actually was able to indict somebody in this power-abusing administration, Howard Dean's remarks remind us once again that this never should have happened in the first place.

This is a sad day for America.

Beyond the evidence that the White House manipulated the intelligence used to justify the war in Iraq, a group of senior White House officials not only orchestrated efforts to smear a critic of the war, but worked to cover up this smear campaign. In so doing, they ignored the rule of law, endangering our national security and the brave men and women who dedicate their lives to protecting our nation's security. I. Lewis Libby was a part of this internal White House group.

This is not only an abuse of power, it is an un-American abuse of the public trust. As Americans, we must hold ourselves and our leaders to a higher standard. We cannot fear dissent. We cannot fear the truth. And we cannot tolerate those who do.

I've been told that I'm too idealistic about things, especially politics. But I really do believe that we all deserve leaders who are better. Who don't simply treat us and their fellow public servants as political pawns.

Saturday Night Live was particularly funny last night. Tina Fey proclaimed her "love" for Special Prosecuter Patrick Fitzgerald because he "would NEVER lie." While he isn't my type of guy, I gotta admit that what Fitzgerald (the prosecuter, not Christie's favorite author) did was simply amazing... I mean, who KNEW that justice existed in this country? He did his duty, and the fact that somebody doing his job is SO surprising attests the attrition of American politics.

I can't believe I'm saying this... but I'm tired of talking about Libby. I shall therefore direct you to worthier sources for dissection of the Plame case such as:
"Will there be more indictments?" (Hunter from Daily Kos)
Libby + VP knew about Plame in CIA (Josh Marshall, Talking Points Memo)
"Indictment dissected: Cheney's Role" (Think Progress)
"White House Ethics Questioned" (Washington Post)
"Bush must chart a recovery" (Washington Post)

It's time we moved on from this. We get it... they're corrupt. So, what else is totally obvious? Well, the fact that this country deserves better leadership, Republican or Democrat, and that somebody must step up to the task. Trust me, cleaning up after government COULD start with this president:

The leader of the Senate Democrats today called for White House chief political strategist Karl Rove to resign, saying it's time for President Bush to "come clean" with the American people about the administration's role in the disclosure of a CIA operative's name.

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), speaking on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," said both Bush and Vice President Cheney owe an apology to the American public.

This isn't too much to ask, is it? We've put up with SO MUCH from this administration. The least they could do is admit their mistakes when they have actually violated public trust.

Let's move on. In terms of governance, we've hit rock bottom. How about, we stop digging deeper and choose the direction that is already open: UP.


Blogger Crazy Politico said...

Dammit Karl, you must resign for the crime of not committing a crime and failing to be indicted for not committing a crime.

God it pisses liberals off that Rove didn't get any papers. Of course, why look at the truth, and see that the only crime was lying about a non crime. Which Libby should have to stand trial for.

Just think, if the left would spend as much time obsessing on an actual agenda, instead of just being pissed about the last two elections they might have a chance in the mid terms.

Newt didn't take over congress in 1994 because he whined about Clinton, he did it with a plan. You folks could take some lessons.

3:45 PM PST  

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