Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Shithan really has become the new voice and face of the anti-Iraq war movement. However, I don't think she realizes what kind of damage when she stupidly said:
"I believe that any candidate who supports the war should not receive our support," Sheehan said Tuesday in a telephone interview with The Associated Press.

What a load of bullchip. The almost nonexistent logic applied here is extremely narrowminded and flawed. Fact: The war is one topic, and politicians have to deal with tons of issues besides that one. Voters have so consider many things, like the politician's stance on gay marriage, taxes, social security, health care, the economy, abortion, national security, and foreign affairs. Consider hypothetically:

rewind back to 2004 but pretend the war in Iraq had never happened. Our economy is in shambles and Bush is pushing for a gay marriage ban. He's fighting abortion while simultaneously ruining our relations with other members of the United Nations. Pretend Katrina happened back in 2003, and Bush screwed up the same way. And pretend that running against Bush's re-election is a candidate with sound economic policies, support for gay rights, and a plan to unify the U.N, but he's also 'for' the war in Iraq.

Now, if we were to follow Sheehan's logic, we'd vote for Bush again. That's how bad it is to vote solely on one criteria. Important factors such as foreign policy and economic policy get thrown out the window. Voting like this is illogical and can lead to detrimental negative effects; the overall views of a politician must be considered whenever voting.

The above statement by Shi-Sheehan is also horrible because of the publicity following it. Millions of mindless Americans are hanging on Sheehan's everyword and when she says stuff like this, the media scoops it up and distributes for everyone to see. Not only does she have a horrible message, but that message is spreading. Now people across the nation are going to listen to her illogical statement and think that legitimate candidates like Hillary Clinton must be opposed. Interest groups have been plaguing the American political system for so long and Sheehan is only making it worse. Politicians are playing to the people more and more based on such narrow grounds, and this will lead to horrible policies.

I don't support the war in Iraq, but condemning it to the point where you'll withdraw support from pro-war candidates solely on that critera is extreme and just plain dumb. Sheehan, and millions of other Americans, need to look at the bigger picture and take many other factors into account besides just the War.


Blogger christie said...

hopefully the "our" in "should not receive our support" means her and... two or three of her closest pals. I'd love for somebody to come out agains the war (Gen. Wesley Clark), but I wouldn't disqualify anybody for supporting it.

7:33 PM PDT  

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