Thursday, October 20, 2005


No no, the "pow" isn't part of the Senior's overwhelmingly awesome skit. I'm referring to the sound a gun makes when it shoots a bullet through the barrel.

This new "legislation prohibits civil lawsuits against gun manufacturers, dealers and distributors for damages resulting from the illegal use of a firearm or ammunition. However, gun makers and dealers could still be sued in civil courts over such issues as product liability, negligence and breach of contract."

This piece of legislation is kind of strange, and, quite frankly, has me confused. It seems that this bill is part of the benefits the NRA gets for supporting the Republican Party; if this was made with public policy in mind, it is pure bullchip. No, actually, regardless of everything, its still bullchip.

This legislation has "guns don't kill people, people kill people" crap all over it.
Our laws should punish criminals who use guns to commit crimes, not law-abiding
manufacturers of lawful products," Bush said. "This legislation will further our
efforts to stem frivolous lawsuits. . . . I look forward to signing this
legislation into law.

Whenever I had heard people say it out loud, I laughed along and thought it was a joke. Then again, perhaps my sense of humor is skewed. But I dont think so.

The effects of this bill will be devastating. Companies will no longer be responsible for the damage their products do? Violation of due process for victims? HELL YEAH. Wouldn't that suck if you got shot, and there was no compensation? Yes it would.

The NRA's chief lobbyist, Chris W. Cox, says "We are a safer country today because Congress passed this critical legislation and acted to save American icons like Remington, Ruger, Winchester and Smith & Wesson from politically motivated lawsuits. Our men and women in uniform abroad and at home now will not have to rely on France, China or Germany to supply their firearms."

Isn't that sad? American icons are MLK Jr., Elvis, The Black Michael Jackson, Frank Sinatra, Malcolm X, Honest Abe, The big G.W., FDR. NOT all those killers mentioned above. And how does protecting those not so iconic 'icons' have to do with having a safer country? This bill takes away from the rights of victims of gun violence. Furthermore, with less accountability, who knows how much the gun industry is going to promote itself without fear. Gun promotion = bad. like freshmen skit bad.
Addressing the second part, right now in the status quo we don't have to rely solely on France, China, and Germany for firearms. And even so, this bill doesn't change anything. The gun companies are so large that a suit for 10 million dollars isn't even leave a scratch. If those law suits are gone, it's not like it'd be that much of a difference.

It boggles the mind how greedy corporations can get. People lose limbs because of guns, and their manufacturers just want to keep every penny. I don't know how Constitutional this is, hopefully not, and hopefully this protection will be struck down by the courts somehow.

So much for public policy.


Blogger christie said...

hear hear.

And seniors really did kick butt, and we didn't need no harmful pro-NRA/business legislation to do it.

6:24 PM PDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's something to read whilst you sip your coffee, benevolent masters:

12:02 PM PDT  

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