Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Music, Rice, and Sex

Chen Shui-Bian is a dumbass. Read Newsweek? Go to page 30, read about him complaining about how China "lacks...a neutral military". Then look at the picture of him flashing his thumbs-up in the seat of a tank. Neutral military, allrighty. Next, read about how he complains "passing the anti-secession law [that could mandate military action against Taiwan if it declared independence]...would be like casting a shadow and causing torrential rains." Think about this hard for a second. APUSHers, ya'll know about that "civil war" thing in our history...you know, that whole thing where the most Americans have died in any war in American history. What was that fought over? SECESSION. And you wonder why China is pissed.

There's also that big quote: "We do hope that Taiwan's democracy could serve as a lighthouse for China." Do you know how insanely improbable that is? It's like saying "We do hope that Russia's 'democracy' could serve as a lighthouse for America." Chen wants to impose democracy on China. We've seen how well forcing democracy works on a little country like Iraq, now let's have a regime change in the most populous country in the world. Great idea, genius, you put us asians in america with our uber SAT scores to shame.

The ironic thing is that the people don't care much. Chinese people sell our crap to Taiwan, and Taiwanese people sell their crap to China. We listen to the same music. We eat rice. We have sex with each other, while in the background the leader of Taiwan tries to sustain a controversy that the people really don't give a shit about.

Yes, that's a good idea, let's all listen to music, eat rice, and have sex.


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