What Bush Really Meant- Part 3: Iraq

Since we last met in this chamber, combat forces of the United States, Great Britain, Australia, POLAND and other countries that I can't name defied the demands of the UN, even when they just wanted to finish the weapons inspection before barging into a country uninvited.
Having broken the Baathist regime, we face a remnant of violent Saddam supporters. Men who ran away from our troops in battle are now dispersed and attack from the shadows. OF course, this has everything to do with the fact that I am utterly unable to see beyond the immediate future and thus won't make any long-term plans. Therefore, the only way out is... well, there really isn't a way out until 2006, when there is a chance that Congress will once again turn Democratic and have enough sense and votes to impeach me. But I find myself to be much holier than such trifles like the Constitution and international law.
These killers, joined by foreign terrorists, are a serious, continuing danger. The once all-powerful ruler of Iraq was found in a hole, and now sits in a prison cell. Speaking of prisons, anyone else think my smile is kind of like the one of some of the soldiers in the Abu GHarib photos?

Of the top 55 officials of the former regime, we have captured or killed 45. Our forces are on the offensive, leading over 1,600 patrols a day, and conducting an average of 180 raids every week. We are dealing with these thugs in Iraq, just as surely as we dealt with Saddam Hussein's evil regime. And we will be dealing with them until the brave men and women overseas are old enough to retire, after having missed out on most of their adult life due to prolonged tours of duty.
The work of building a new Iraq is hard work. Month by month, Iraqis are assuming more responsibility for their own security and their own future. And tonight we are honored to welcome one of Iraq's most respected leaders: the current president of the Iraqi Governing Council, Adnan Pachachi. Sir, America stands with you and the Iraqi people as you build a free and peaceful nation. And yes, your check will be coming in the mail soon.
Different threats require different strategies. Along with nations in the region, we are insisting that North Korea eliminate its nuclear program. America and the international community are demanding that Iran meet its commitments and not develop nuclear weapons. America is committed to keeping the world's most dangerous weapons out of the hands of the world's most dangerous regimes. If I had Clinton's legacy again- the huge budget surplus, as well as the public's appreciation for a guy who couldn't screw every female intern- I'd have skipped on Afghanistan and gone straight into war with North Korea and Iran. But things can't always go my way, as I learned in Miss Minchin's Kindergarten class last week.

And the men and women of the American military they have taken the hardest duty. We have seen their skill and courage in armored charges, and midnight raids, and lonely hours on faithful watch. We have seen the joy when they return, and felt the sorrow when one is lost. I have had the honor of meeting our servicemen and women at many posts, from the deck of a carrier in the Pacific, to a mess hall in Baghdad. Many of our troops are listening tonight. And I want you and your families to know: America is proud of you. And my administration will continue to leave you to fend for yourself against lethal suicide bombers and insurgents... and take all the credit for your work.
I know that some people question if America is really in a war at all. Which will continue to happen as long as the propaganda bureau (aka FOX News) of my administration continues to call it "the War on Terror." As Michael Moore says... You can't declare war on an abstract word. It's true, and I'm amazed that people actually by the wartime propaganda crap.
Some in this chamber, and in our country, did not support the liberation of Iraq. Objections to war often come from principled motives. But let us be candid about the consequences of leaving Saddam in power. We are seeking all the facts already the Kay Report identified dozens of weapons of mass destruction-related program activities and significant amounts of equipment that Iraq concealed from the United Nations. Had we failed to act, the dictator's weapons of mass destruction programs would continue to this day. And YES, I just blatantly twisted the truth- that there WERE NO weapons of mass destruction and that the reports misled America into a possibly unjustified war.

Some critics have said our duties in Iraq must be internationalized. This particular criticism is hard to explain to our partners in Britain, Australia, Japan, South Korea, the Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Spain, POLAND, Denmark, Hungary, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Romania, the Netherlands, Norway, El Salvador, and the 17 other countries that have committed troops to Iraq. Of course, just because their presidents and representatives are all my puppet leaders, does not mean that their conscientious citizens can tolerate me. As we debate at home, we must never ignore the vital contributions of our international partners, or dismiss their sacrifices. From the beginning, America has sought international support for operations in Afghanistan and Iraq, and we have gained much support. I believe I once said "you're either with us or against us." That's still true. Because whatever I say should get a "go" from the rest of the world? Why? Well... um... My daddy was President of America?
There is a difference, however, between leading a coalition of many nations, and dominating it with nothing but arrogance. I will never seek a permission slip to do as I wish because I, George W. Bush is almighty... and above any mortal law. Heck, I'd say that I'm cooler than Jesus ever was. You think HE could have had Condoleeza Rice, Alberto Gonzales, (names rest of cabinet), and Karl Rove, the most brilliant minds in the country, kissing my ass like this? Nah.
America is a nation with a mission and that mission comes from our most basic beliefs. We have to dominate, to create an empire. Our aim is a democratic peace a peace everywhere else except our beloved country, which I will continue to screw over as a reminder of the deplorable, awful regime of Saddam Hussein. This great republic will lead the cause of freedom, founded upon the indignity and humiliation for every man and woman.
PS: Victor- tell me that there is an easier way to post pictures? BUt I hope that's enough graphics for you.
ahahah fun stuff. i love it, you make politics so interesting
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