Thursday, October 13, 2005

I pick...I pick...

Out of the many articles below, I'll take ...none. Instead, I'll just give a little blast on the fiasco as a whole. But, I'll concentrate and take excerpts articles 2 and 3 (below).

So let's see, where to begin...-Whoamg. It's about time the Republican dirt came out. I've been waiting for this for a long time. People always complain about how Democrats are too hesitant and are always the poorer party, but at least now we see that the sexy asses actually follow the law better than the Phat 'Phants do. Whee let's break down the action (DeLay) so far.

Speaking of following the law, the commercial in Austin says that
"it's not a crime to be conservative."

What the commercial fails to recognize is that it should be a crime to be so stupid.
The article on the commercial is pretty short, but here's the gist of it anyways:

"A prosecutor with a political agenda can be vicious," the ad says over footage of a snarling dog.
The ad, sponsored by the Free Enterprise Fund of Washington, D.C., reminds viewers that Earle, "a liberal Democrat," once tried to prosecute U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, a Republican.
The ad says Earle now is going after DeLay of Sugar Land because he is a Republican, too.

First off, prosecutors are neutral by definition. They analyze the law and argue for violations. Advocating the conviction of a criminal has been associated with personal political agenda since, oh, just about...way back NEVER. If the republicans are going to try to accuse an attourney of having a political agenda, they have to do better than whine about a prosecution of a fellow republican. No one gives two bits if it was a Democrat who tried to prosecute Senator Hutchinson. The Democratic party and republican party do not conflict in court about criminal acts. If Hutchison violated the law, or was suspected to do so, he deserved to be prosecuted regardless of the prosecutor's party affiliation. I'll bet that if Earle was republican who acted the way he did against Hutchinson, no foul cry would arise; this is just the republicans trying to politicize this. Furthermore, if this Earle was a loyal Republican who did not try to prosecute Senators who violated the law, wouldn't he be having a political agenda? Wouldn't he be disregarding the law to help promote his party? You bet, but would the republicans complain if things swung their way? nope.

"By pushing grand juries to issue politically motivated indictments of prominent Republicans, Ronnie Earle is trying to make it a crime to be conservative, to support an agenda of lower taxes and less government. That's un-American," Factor said.

This is just plain wrong. Earle is trying to make it a crime to be corrupt. Last time I checked, taking in illegal money was not supproting an agenda of lower taxes and less government. It's totally irrelevant. Even more irrelevant is accusing Earle of making it a crime to be conservative. That would be me.
Expanding, the ad states that DeLay's being prosecuted because of his republican status. First off, DeLay is being prosecuted for being suspect of criminal activies. Second, if all people needed to be prosecuted for was being republican, half the legislative branch and the entire executive branch would be in court right now. And the world would be a better place. Sadly, that's not the case. It's plain to see that republicans still taint everyday society and are in fact, not being pulled to court for being phat 'phants. So, DeLay is being charged with criminal activities, and the any accusation of party bias is just wrong.

Now, DeLay is being charged with white collar crimes including conspiracy, money laundering, and violation of state election laws. These are all serious crimes to be considered during the prosecution.

The private group Common Cause urged the House ethics committee to expand its investigation into a trip that Rep. Tom DeLay made to England and Scotland, to determine if it amounted to a gift in exchange for legislative favors.
Um, corruption. Enough said. I could go on for pages about the negative impacts of corruption. Anyways, trading in legislative favors for gifts is why our system right now is so messed up. Delay is also being charged with squandering 70,000 dollars on a golfing trip to Scotland from a lobbyist. 70k. For some poor families, thats an entire year's income.
This type of corruption must be eradicated from the American political system. Making corrupt policies and robbing Americans of health insurance and education is unjust, immoral, and downright infuriating. If there is any possibility of such violations, a trial must be carried out; unlawful activity, especially to this degree, cannot be tolerated.

Bottom line, the republicans are imbeciles for trying to politicize this. Prosecuting DeLay on accounts of money laundering and corruption is not undermining the "free market agenda." I swear, it'd be so ironic if someone the people on the Ad committee to put that phrase in. Politics aside, people get convicted because they are found guilty of violating crimes, not because of party affiliation.

Whoooo ok I'm done. I had to try so hard not to include a single cuss word in the post.


Blogger christie said...

You're my HERO!

And well... it's not a crime to have a partisan affiliation, but it definitely is NOT un-American to oppose "limited" government (aka one that screws the poor amid reckless capitalism) and lower taxes (but only for the rich, yah know?).

6:53 PM PDT  

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