Friday, June 10, 2005

Immoral Right Wing?

We all know the Republican Party is the party of morality, religion, and good clean christian living. We also know that the Porn industry doesn't exactly fit in with these Republican values, so what is the busty, blonde, former gubenatorial candidate Mary Carey doing at the President's Dinner? This is a huge party fundraiser, featuring the President. Of course given Dubya's somewhat checkered past (drugs....), having a porn star at a major gala event isn't such a big deal. Now this is a former ballerina who decided to strip instead. She is really not a political asset in any way. All she has is money, and visual entertainment for all those old, rich christians. Is this the kind of White House entertainment the Republicans should be having? Not only is she not running as a Republican for Lt. Governor next year (Independent), but she also supports gay marriage! This really doesn't seem like the Bush Administration is sticking to its guns...but lets just hear what Ms. Carey has to say:

"I also have a brain and political aspirations"

I'm sure she does, but the Republican Party will just lose some of its Red state votes by letting her in. So is this really a bad thing? Not if we want an end of the swing to the religious right.


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