Tuesday, September 12, 2006

the total and complete destruction of commies!

I'M STILL HERE! REMEMBER ME? I POSTED ABOUT THE PORN STAR AT THE WHITE HOUSE LIKE A YEAR AGO? REMEMBER THAT? NO? DAMN. WELL, I'M STILL HERE, BUT A TAD OUT OF THE LOOP OF EVERYTHING. So. In reflection of my lack of current loopiness, I will post on a topic near to my heart. Communism. I hate communism. We all can appreciate socialistic ideals and all, but realistically....communism simply doesn't work. People love to manipulate others, and have power over them, then disenfranchise them behind the scenes. Buttholes. Stupid red commie buttholes. With their proletariat-loving-anti-free-enterprise loserness, they simply suck. The Soviets invaded Afghanistan, so lets give the locals lots of weapons and money to kick their stupid commie heinies. Genius. The only thing that poor people hate more than rich, affluent people are commies. Didn't those reds pay attention in Econ? Free markets work better! Jeez, if Marx and Engels had just used the laws of supply and demand, they'd get it. But NO. They had to figure that it's all the fault of the merchant class. I like merchants, they enable me to buy stuff. I like stuff! And you should like stuff too, because that's what makes America great. Stuff.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wasn't it all easier when we could just hate commies, and not all minorities? Well, we hated them too, but that was ok because they were marxist pigs. Right?

12:46 AM PDT  

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