Cheap shot.
Bush uses his first veto of his presidency to block funds for stem cell research.
And this is his photo-op:

You, sir, are a very misguided man.
And this is his photo-op:

"President Bush defied the will of the American people and crushed the hopes of millions who suffer from serious and debilitating diseases like cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's and Parkinson's," Reid said in his statement.I'm so very sorry to be rude, Mr. President... but are you saying that a cute little baby, whose life is very little related to stem cell research (because stem cell research uses embryos about to be discarded by clinics), is so very much more important than my grandmother, who endured poverty with my grandfather, sent all her five children to college, cared for me when my mother simply did not have the time, and who still cares for her large clan despite having Parkinson's disease? This is the woman who would swim dozens of Olympic-sized laps a week, who would get up early to make my grandfather breakfast before he went off bowling or skiing.The Senate majority leader, Sen. Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), said of the veto: "I am pro-life, but I disagree with the president's decision. . . . Given the potential of this research and the limitations of the existing [stem cell] lines eligible for federally funded research, I think additional lines should be made available."
Bush defended the veto in the White House's East Room surrounded by two dozen families -- including one from Alexandria, another from Ellicott City -- whose children were adopted as frozen embryos.
You, sir, are a very misguided man.
i decided to read up on some liberal hoo-ha to prepare for my "californian" 2 year anniversary tomorrow. i was gonna read washington post...but after reading the headlines i got bored. then it hit me! DECAF! heh. yep. damn that shrub! see? i'm getting good at being liberal!
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