I will win an Olympic Gold Medal...
... discover the cure for AIDS
... master the art of parallel parking
... become a virtuoso violinist
... have my face featured on the brand-new one-dollar bill
... learn to cook
... turn vegetarian
... become the first female, Asian-American, below-5-foot-2 President of the United States of America (James Madison was 5'4")...
Before this guy gets re-elected
Pshh. If it weren't for the thousand people who would actually support the guy, he could very easily afford to pay the filing fee. Hell, he could've HIRED a thousand people to sign the damn petition.
Yep. And that lifestyle now looks somethign like:

Oh, don't feel too bad for him. I'm sure his prison-wear is designer couture.
... master the art of parallel parking
... become a virtuoso violinist
... have my face featured on the brand-new one-dollar bill
... learn to cook
... turn vegetarian
... become the first female, Asian-American, below-5-foot-2 President of the United States of America (James Madison was 5'4")...
Before this guy gets re-elected
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, facing trial on charges of money laundering, officially filed Tuesday to run for a 12th term in his suburban Houston district.
The filing was not unexpected.
Republican DeLay, who has denied any wrongdoing and has accused Democrat Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle of conducting a political witch hunt, must deal with at least two GOP challengers in the March primary. He already has been campaigning against his likely general election opponent, former Rep. Nick Lampson.
DeLay filed by petition with the Republican Party of Texas, delivering almost 1,000 signatures collected by volunteers. Filing by petition, instead of paying a filing fee, requires 500 signatures from registered voters in his district.
Pshh. If it weren't for the thousand people who would actually support the guy, he could very easily afford to pay the filing fee. Hell, he could've HIRED a thousand people to sign the damn petition.
As Tom DeLay became a king of campaign fundraising, he lived like one too. He visited cliff-top Caribbean resorts, golf courses designed by PGA champions and four-star restaurants — all courtesy of donors who bankrolled his political money empire [...]
Instead of his personal expense, the meals and trips for DeLay and his associates were paid with donations collected by the campaign committees, political action committees and children's charity the Texas Republican created during his rise to the top of Congress.Put them together and an opulent lifestyle emerges.
Yep. And that lifestyle now looks somethign like:

Oh, don't feel too bad for him. I'm sure his prison-wear is designer couture.
I also thought I would never try kimchi. But I did.
The re-election of Delay is a distinct possibility. It is war too early to predict the future. Every time we think that something is the straw the breaks the camel's back, it turns out that nobody is swayed. We get excited every single time, but nothing happens.
The one bright spot for this case? The fact that Abramoff is near a plea deal with the Feds. That could help actually convict Delay. But if he's found not guilty or if the case is thrown out, all bets are off.
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